Winning Amazon SERPs: How To Audit Your Amazon Listing

by | Sep 29, 2023

Imagine having the power to unravel the intricacies behind lackluster sales on Amazon to unlock greater potential. That’s exactly what an Amazon listing audit helps you achieve. An Amazon listing audit isn’t just a routine task – it’s a powerful tool that can rekindle your Amazon journey. Let’s dive in and discover how an Amazon listing audit can be the turning point you’ve been waiting for.


What Is An Amazon Listing Audit?


best amazon listing optimization agency


An Amazon listing audit involves a comprehensive review and analysis of your product listings to ensure they are optimized for maximum visibility and conversion. This process helps you identify areas that need improvement so you can implement strategic changes to enhance your product’s performance on the platform. From product titles and Amazon images to keywords and pricing, a listing audit covers all aspects to ensure your listings are aligned with customer search intent and current best practices.


How To Perform an Amazon Listing Audit?


Performing a listing audit on Amazon involves several systematic steps:


Step #1 Tools Required To Perform A Listing Audit

You don’t need anything fancy to perform an Amazon listing audit. We leverage Google Sheets to store listing data and insights due to its collaborative nature. We package this information in a compelling PDF so sellers like you, have access to actionable information. Amazon software such as Helium10 allows you to review insights pertaining to keywords, reviews, customer questions and answers and more.

Step # 2 Gather Data & Metrics:

Log into your Amazon Seller Central account to access insights like the seller percentage unit, sales data, conversion rates, click-through rates, keyword rankings, and customer reviews. 


Step #3: Analyze Keyword Relevance

Keywords play a pivotal role in making your products discoverable on Amazon. Ask yourself these questions about your Amazon keywords: Are your keywords aligned with customer search intent? Are they high-traffic, low-competition keywords? Are your keywords highly relevant to your product? Did you search your top keywords on Amazon to verify their relevance? You’ll need trusted keyword research tools to help you identify potential keyword gaps and opportunities. 


Step #4: Review Your Product Title

Your title is one of the most critical drivers of SEO on Amazon. Ensure it meets Amazon’s Title Requirements, is within your category character limits, leverages important keywords and power words and articulates your product’s biggest features/benefits within the first 5-7 words. Avoid redundant me-too copy like “high-quality.” Your goal is readable, SEO-optimized text that speaks to your ideal buyer, uniquely.


Step #5: Meticulously Review Your Amazon Bullet Points and Product Description

Think your Amazon bullet points don’t count? Think again. You must accurately describe your product offer within the first three bullet points while articulating the most significant benefits. Can customers imagine the transformation they’ll get after purchasing your product? Did you address common questions and pain points? Next, copy and paste your bullet points into Helium10’s Scribbles. Are your bullet points 200 characters or less? Did you avoid emojis and all caps? Take note of the Amazon Style Guides to ensure your listing is compliant. Add relevant, high search volume, readable keywords throughout your listing.


Step #6: Evaluate Your Amazon Images and Product Video

Visual content is a significant driver of conversion on Amazon. Review your Amazon images and videos to ensure they are high-quality, well-lit, and showcase your product from various angles. Use lifestyle images to demonstrate product use and context, helping customers visualize their perceived transformation. 


Step #7: Assess Your Pricing Strategy

Examine your product’s pricing strategy by considering competitor price, perceived value, and costs. A competitive yet profitable price can attract more buyers and improve your chances of winning the Buy Box. Track your top five competitors’ products. What do they offer that’s different from you, what is their perceived value, and how does your pricing and value stack up against your competition?


Step #8: Glean Insights From Product Reviews

Customer reviews and ratings influence purchase decisions. Every category on Amazon has a high threshold of review ratings. For example, 4.0-star ratings and less can negatively impact your sales in ultra-competitive markets like beauty and technology. Record your rating and note your competitor’s rating. Scour your reviews for added insights to improve your listing quality and score.


Step #9: Examine the Backend Keywords

In the last few days, Amazon updated the number of allowable characters in the backend search terms to 500 characters. This change may be category-dependent. Please note that there is a great debate in the Amazon community as to backend bytes vs. characters. What’s important in terms of a lisitng audit is that you review the backend search terms: Are you targeting seasonal keywords, holiday keywords, and new long-tail keywords? When was the last time you updated your backend search terms? Include relevant synonyms and alternative phrasings, different languages only if relevant, and avoid duplicating keywords already used in visible fields. Also, remember: commas are unnecessary.

Step #10: Verify Your Category and Attributes

Is your product listed under the most relevant category? Are all its attributes accurate? Ensuring your category is accurate enhances the accuracy of customer filtering options and, therefore, improves your product’s chances of appearing in relevant searches. 


Step #11: Analyze Advertising Campaigns

Amazon PPC is its own beast. Qualified Amazon marketing agencies who specialize in Amazon PPC can help. Evaluate the performance of your ad campaigns. Are your campaigns targeting the right keywords and demographics? Adjust budgets and bidding strategies based on data insights to maximize ROI.


Step #12: Mobile Optimization Review

Given the increasing prevalence of mobile shopping, analyzing your listing for mobile devices is paramount to your conversion rate. Check the readability, image scaling, and overall user experience on various screen sizes. Be subjective so that you can harness areas that require improvement.


Next, we’ll unlock how you can report listing errors and unearth the three most important areas of your listing for keyword ranking.

How Do I Report a Listing Error on Amazon?


amazon listing error


To report a listing error on Amazon, follow these steps:


  • 1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • 2. Go to the “Inventory” tab and select “Manage Inventory.”
  • 3. Locate the product with the error and click on it.
  • 4. Click the “Edit” button next to the field containing the error.
  • 5. Make the necessary corrections and save your changes.
  • 6. Contact Amazon Seller Support for assistance if the error is more complex.


What are the 3 Most Critical Fields in a Listing on Amazon for Keyword Ranking?


Three critical fields in an Amazon listing for keyword ranking are:


  1. Product Title: The product title is one of the most influential factors in keyword ranking. It should contain relevant keywords, be descriptive, and accurately convey the product’s main features.


  1. Bullet Points: Bullet points provide concise information about the product’s benefits and features. Incorporate keywords naturally and focus on addressing customer needs.


  1. Backend Search Terms: While not visible to customers, backend search terms play a significant role in keyword ranking. Include synonyms, alternative phrasings, and relevant keywords that didn’t fit into other fields throughout your listing.


Auditing these fields can significantly enhance your product’s visibility and ranking in Amazon search results.


Additional Amazon Listing Audit Analytics


Let’s explore some other key Amazon listing analytics:


Traffic Sources: Understand where your traffic is coming from. Are customers finding your products through organic search, paid ads, or other sources? This insight helps you evaluate the effectiveness of different channels.


Amazon Brand Analytics: Amazon Brand Analytics provides insights into customer search terms and helps you understand how customers find and interact with your brand and products.


Google Analytics (External Traffic): If you’re driving external traffic to your Amazon listings, use Google Analytics to track the effectiveness of this traffic. Monitor bounce rates, time on page, and conversion rates for insights.


Return Rates: High return rates can indicate a mismatch between customer expectations and the product received. Analyze the reasons for returns and address any recurring issues.


Reviewing these additional analytics in your audit gives you a comprehensive view of your Amazon listing performance. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions during the audit process, helping you refine your listing to ultimately improve sales and overall success.


A Listing Audit is A Necessity, Not a Maybe


Conducting a comprehensive Amazon listing audit is an investment that can yield substantial returns. By following these exact steps and regularly assessing your listings, you can identify areas for enhancement, implement strategic changes, and remain complaint. Optimization is an ongoing process. Continuous refinement of your listings is necessary to unlock success.


Contact the team at Christina Ink for a FREE Amazon listing audit to strategize and improve your Amazon digital shelf.


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