Benefits of a Social Media Strategy in Your Amazon FBA Business

by | May 31, 2022

An effective social media strategy is a must-have in today’s volatile and competitive e-commerce climate. The harsh reality is that customers have endless options to choose from when it comes to brands. This makes reaching new customers and maintaining your current ones a tricky balancing act. Building a community around your Amazon FBA business is critical to its success and long-term survival. Apart from insulating your business, a community will scale with your brand, supporting it throughout its lifetime. 


As you know, social media is constantly evolving. What’s trending now might become old news in the blink of an eye. While a social media strategy won’t predict abrupt changes, it helps you take advantage of any disruptions. If blindly navigating the confusing social media climate isn’t appealing as an Amazon FBA seller, you are in the right place. This blog covers everything you need to create an effective social media strategy in 2022. Sounds interesting? Let’s get started.


Define Your Amazon FBA Brand’s Social Media Goals


Content marketing strategy

social media strategy is the foundation of your social media marketing efforts in 2022. Break down your social media goals and make sure that they align with your overall Amazon FBA brand’s marketing goals.
Taking the right approach will prevent you from running around in circles. Being specific with what you want to achieve with your social media strategy makes tracking your goals easier in the long run. A measuring system is critical to the success of your social media strategy. Think about it. Your plan might take months to play out. So, how will you track your objectives if they aren’t measurable?  Make sure the objectives in your social media strategy are achievable.


Here are some examples of social media strategy goals:


  • Increase social media revenue by 10% over the next six months. 
  • Boost engagement to 35% across all platforms over the next ten months
  • Increase website traffic by 15% in over a year. 


Consider Timing in Your Social Media Strategy


Social media management

Unlock the best times to post and keep your content relevant. Timing is crucial to the success of your social media strategy. The ‘fire and forget’ approach rarely works in content management. Once you analyze how customers engage with your content, you can time your posts to create the most impact. Keep in mind that timing affects multiple levels of your social media strategy. Posting content when your target audience is active online is more effective than posting during slow hours. Timing also plays a big part in content management. With the right strategy, you will know how long to wait before making significant changes. This reduces your workload while giving customers enough time to engage with your content. 

The most important aspect of determining content output is consistency. If you can only post 1 per week, keep consistent. Your audience will look to your social media channels for content. Ghosting them a death sentence.

Every Good Social Media Strategy Starts with Market Research


Social media strategy


Fact: Market research will make or break your social media strategy. First, take stock of your current performance on social media before researching. An in-depth analysis of your insights will point out your weak points, giving you a clear picture of where to focus your efforts. A multi-pronged approach to market research produces the best results. Start by narrowing down your target audience. And the good news is that there are so many accurate analytic tools at your disposal. 


  • Google Analytics: This is a great tool that gives you insight into the key habits of customers visiting your site. From location information to your audience’s demographics, Google analytics has it all. The best thing about Google Analytics is that you can use this data to fine-tune your sales funnel and improve the user experience on your site.  
  • Twitter Analytics: Twitter analytics will give you a detailed breakdown of the demographic of people engaging with your content. You can use this information to streamline your Twitter content and increase the rate of direct conversions.
  • Instagram & Facebook Insights: The Facebook marketing research platform is in a class of its own. Facebook collects relevant marketing data on users who interact with your Facebook page as they use the internet. As you can imagine, this feature gives you a clear picture of what your customers find appealing. Instagram also offers a wide net of insights and analytics so long as you have a business account. Research each metric to understand your engagement, reach, and audience.


Once you have sufficient data, you can start creating specific customer personas. Customer personas help you plan your social media strategy You’ll learn what kind of content resonates with different segments of your audience and the best way to execute that content and at what times.


Develop Compelling Content Patterns


Creating content for social media can go one of two ways. It can be an engaging process where every post brings the audience closer to your brand, or it can devolve into a confusing and frustrating experience– that’s what I call content chaos and it’s a frustrating cycle that can seem fruitless. Social media content curation comes down to one thing – planning. It’s easy to think that any post on the platform will trend with such a high user rate because of a staggering user number. But the truth is, it’s only harder to get your content visible on some of these channels in today’s climate. That’s why an effective social media strategy is crucial to helping you build out the best content for your audience.

How to Develop Social Media Content Pillars


Social media content pillars


Here’s how to create social media content pillars.


Step 1 Audience Desires: Your content must match your audience’s needs; otherwise, it won’t have the desired effect. You can use this to create the foundational pillars of your content strategy. For example, you can go with what you hope to achieve with your content:


  • Education
  • Engagement
  • Inspiration
  • Promotion


Step 2 Know Your Offerings:  What does your Amazon business offer? Answering this question is critical to the process. Leverage your produts as a means to develop educational and informative content, industry trends, company insights, behind the scenes and more. Knowing what you offer is key to content pillar execution.


Step 4: Analyze the Data : Your social media strategy needs to grow and evolve with social media platforms. That includes adapting your strategy to the various platforms you are on. Use analytic tools provided within each channel but don’t make the mistake of overlooking customer reviews on your content. Your audience’s opinions will serve as a compass, helping you keep your social media strategy on the right track. Testing is crucial since the data allows you to assess what’s working and what isn’t. How will you narrow down your success formula if you aren’t constantly analyzing your content’s performance? Since analytic software offers real-time metrics, you can adjust your content strategy by adapting it to the latest trends.


Frequently Asked Questions About Social Media Marketing in Your Amazon FBA Business


Social media marketing FAQ

Why is Social Media Management Expensive? 


While it’s true that social media management costs are not cheap, it goes with the territory. Tracking, analyzing, and managing a vast audience over different platforms is not a cakewalk. Apart from having a complex technical aspect, social media management also requires creativity and passion. That said, you can still choose to manage your campaign in-house if you find outsourcing too expensive. In-house management has its disadvantages. Examples include high maintenance and inefficiency, and for many Amazon, FBA startups managing a team to that capacity is not realistic in the first few months to a year.

Social media marketing pricing tends to range starting with content audits, account set up, social media strategy, content curation, management and more. Not all social media marketing services include content curation–especially video content. These are generally extra services you can purchase. Talk to your social media marketing agency to determine your needs and unlock the best price. A
sk questions about insights and analytics and get a feel for the experience level of the social media manager. Review their process and workflow to understand if it will suit your needs at your current business stage.

How Can I Find the Best Social Media Management Services? 


Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You must have a deep understanding of how your social media strategy works. Remember, it’s all in the details, so be specific with your questions. Do they measure engagement, and what would they do to fix plummeting engagement levels? Do they have a strategy to help take advantage of social media trends the moment they occur?  So, it all adds up to this: a social media strategy is critical to the success of your Amazon FBA business. A social media strategy will help you create content your customers can identify within today’s competitive climate.   


Can Social Media Guarantee RoI?


It all adds up to this: A social media strategy is critical to the success of your Amazon FBA business but is part of your larger marketing objectives and strategy. A social media strategy will help you create content your customers can identify within today’s competitive climate. As a social media management agency, we do not guarantee RoI because the goals of your social media marketing vary. While RoI is a small piece of your marketing puzzle it is not always realistic to make such claims. Focus on quality management, increased reach and engagement, and set smart realistic KPIs to track and measure the success of your social media efforts every month.


Now Is the Time to Employ Social Media Marketing Services


ust like any aspect of Amazon FBA brand building, a chaotic social media plan without laser-sharp focus causes chaos. Chaotic content creates confusion in your audience. Use this article to develop a comprehensive social media strategy to help you create the best content for your audience at exactly the right time. Questions about social media marketing in your Amazon FBA brand? Drop them in the comments or connect with Christina on LinkedIn for more tips and tricks.


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